Wednesday, 26 November 2014

Experiments with Image Effects(Unity Pro) in some of my games

Crystal Planet
Game is located on a strange planet somewhere in the space. It's about mixing laser colors to prepare RGB signal. I fell free to use all kind of freaky effects. I started with Glow, to change look of my laser emitters (color balls), so they could look more consistently to the particles that they produce. Then I use Edge Detection, to get comics look. At the end I set Saturation, so the planet looks lighted by the green planet at the background. First image is the original one. Used effects are shown on the right.

Tuesday, 25 November 2014

#7dfps #procjam and November #1GAM



Game: On The Fly


Although the name of the jame is 7 day fps, I had only one day, so I focused on something simple but fun. When you start the game there is completely no level, just a plain, so task to shoot all aliens looks very easy. Then, while moving, the level is generated procedurally and is falling all around you. I tried to make a feeling of surfing through the level, without knowing where the next block will appear. I submited this entry also for procjam. The way the level is building fits nice to idea and theme of the jam.